• The Constant Provider

            We live in a new world, the new golden age of chaos and confusion – fast paced world of uncertainty, randomness, and constant change. The one thing that we have and can keep with us at all times that remains distinct, true, and constant is our mindset, our faith, our beliefs, and our altitudes. Our mindset is the constant provider of our life experiences no matter what the conditions, situations, and circumstances may be in our world. Your source will always provide for you, this is a fact! Knowing this and believing it with absolute certainty is the solemn key to overcoming all the negative aspects and effects of doubt worry, fear, envy, and anger. Focused, strong, healthy, positive thoughts provide you with all the very best opportunities and possibilities for achievement, victories, success, prosperity, peace, plenty, security, health, happiness, and complete bliss in your world. What you believe you will see, realize, and receive. Don’t let negative vampires drain your powerful, positive energy source. Stay calm and content in your own positive environment for likes attract likes and the magnetism from the power of your will draw wonderful, amazing, outstanding, and positive results, outcomes, and greatness to you. You live and breathe in the energy that you create; make it positive and follow your heart. Love is the light that shines through your soul and guides you on your constant voyage in life; follow the light for it beams brilliant rays of pure love. Be true to yourself, know yourself, be positively peaceful, and live in the realm of truth and harmony in this new positive age that you deliberately design and create for yourself, your spouse, your partners, your family, your friends, and all your loved ones. Life is a wonderful blessing, act like it, be grateful, and apply yourself!

    Flip the positive switch today!




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  • Gestures, Manners, and Positive Actions

           Signs, symbols, signals, smiles, frowns, handshakes, and whistles – the secret treasure chamber is hidden within your own temple, your positive palace. Rejoice for the glory is within the path of virtue; your gestures, manners, and positive actions demonstrate your belief, faith, and character. Dreams within the jurisdiction of positive conscious control will propel themselves from the unseen world of creation and materialize them into the realm of the physical world. Unbalanced, wrong thinking creates chaos, destruction, turmoil, and negative effects. When your dwelled upon thoughts and chosen thinking habits are out of whack, dark, and negative, you’re not in control. Life becomes a cipher, a riddle, a dangerous fable. Appoint order and perfection to the thoughts you are thinking and the words you are speaking; make them a positive representation of your core, your path, and your direction. Your gestures, manners, and positive actions are signs, symbols, and signals for others to follow. Inject your mind and your will with a high dose of positive thought energy supply; fulfill your dreams with your positive desire and will. Avoid the negative traps and schemes; be a positive adept by all means. Your gestures, manners, and actions are a reflection of who you are. Make sure you leave your positive scar on the world; write your positive scribe today!

    Flip the positive switch today!


    Positive Joshua Tree


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  • Time Positive

            Ticking away the moments of your life, the clock of life keeps moving in one direction faster and faster one second at a time. One step closer always self-winding moving and grooving ahead flowing faster forward never ever slower or backwards. You don’t get a second chance with father time, there are no mulligans, back tracking, back pedals, or re-dos for time only exists within the frameworks of the mind. Don’t take tomorrow for granted and enjoy this day to the fullest, it’s all you really have and the time is NOW! Waste not, want not for this is all there really is; here’s the facts, sad but true, some that are here with you now may go away tomorrow or another day somehow. The one thing that we know for certain, there are no guarantees in life except your dwelled upon thoughts will re appear for they will become the things that you say, you feel, and you hear. These are indeed the facts, your thoughts will become reality – they will be real!
            So choose your thoughts carefully, think your thoughts through, think wisely, and spend the precious moments in your life with the ones that are dear to you – the ones you love and cherish the most! Don’t get lost, inundated, paraphrased, consumed, or overwhelmed in the dreadful dread of Mr. doom and Misses gloom trapped in the negative battlefield – the war zone of wasted time, bitter, pills, and old, sour, stale diamond wine. Time is a gift that gives by the second and eventually takes it all back to dust. Spend your time positive, enjoy the ride, be content; free and exempt from all negativity for when you get off it’s too late and you’ll be on the other side. Stand or fall, happy or sad, exciting or dull, smile or scream, frown or dream, don’t live your life with wasted time! Don’t let time slip away, pass you up, and move right on by. Don’t have regrets; don’t throw away love the gifts from the heart – time will keep moving with or without you. Don’t wake up one day and say what happened; make your life happen, make your time positive, make every second count!

    Flip the positive switch today!




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  • Positive Quote of the Day

    Quote 62


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  • Positive Quote of the Day

    Positive Quote


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