• Creatures of Our Own Convictions

           Everything is one’s life is simply based on the principles of the universal laws. Cause and effect, the flow and echo of thoughts attracts likes to recreate the circumstances and conditions in which becomes your physical reality. Everything in our life comes through the gateway of our thoughts. The key is to understand the universal laws and use them accordingly for our own best interest, rewards, and benefits. We are all creatures of our own convictions; we cannot get beyond what we believe we are and what we believe we have. It is mental laws; only by right positive thinking will your mental attitude gravitate to a prosperous level.
           Only by thinking of prosperity and abundance can you realize prosperity and abundance in your life. In other words, according to your thoughts and beliefs you will either live of a positive, successful life or a negative thinking life of lack and discord. It’s only the positive mind that can create prosperity; the negative mind is not creative and non productive. It’s not so much what you do with your hands or your physical abilities, it’s what you do with your thinking, your thoughts, and your mind that really counts. Wrong, negative thinking will rob you of your good. Your mental attitude gauges your wealth, prosperity, and abundance; your over all supply. Narrow, limited, and small thinking produces narrow, small results. Positive, big, and unlimited thinking produces big, unlimited, positive rewards.

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