• Positive Start Up!

           HEY! It’s is not where you start that counts! It’s where you finish that really matters! The time is now to make the “Positive Change”.

           You have the controls; you have the master key switch to change your life for better or for worse, the choice is totally yours to make. It is all up to you, everything that you need is already within you, stored inside the mental foundations of your mind. It really doesn’t matter at all where you are now in your life, in your conditions, in your situations, or in your circumstances – they are completely irreverent! It’s really all just a state of mind, emotions, feelings, and attitudes towards your life. A positive start up is a conscious decision to choose willingly to use the right deliberate positive thinking methods to altar your world in the positive direction. The rewards are many – success, prosperity, abundance, perfect health, satisfactions, fulfillment, and achievements.
           The positive recipe is so easy; just change your thoughts, beliefs, and faith energies to the positive side of life. Stir the positive mind, let it sink in fully and absorb the truths; and then the proof is in the pudding. Abracadabra, magical presto your life starts to change for the better. The positive light turns on and they start to shine brightly, and the whole world becomes positively crystal clear to you. Just flip the positive switch. Use your positive energies to be positive, deflect all negativity Stay positive! Live Positive! Live your lives with no limits and enjoy the positive ride. Achieve all your dreams! For a quick jump-start expedite the positive, what you do is simply take the T out of Can’t! So now you see you CAN! And you’re on your positive way.

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  • The Positive Attitude Difference

           In the game of life the little thing that’s makes the biggest difference is your attitude towards it. The difference between happiness and unhappiness, success and failure is simply having the right, positive mental attitude. William James, the father of psychology once said, “we all can alter our lives simply by the means of altering our altitudes.” You can either go about life having a negative attitude, a negative perspective and outlook, a pessimistic view of the world living in the reflections of negative thoughts and attitudes; or you can choose to live and having a positive mental attitude ( PMA) employing an optimistic view of the world and enjoying the benefits of positive, right thinking attitudes.
           Attitudes are contagious, so have a positive one and spread it. A Positive attitude produces enthusiasms in one’s world. The magic million-dollar difference is having a positive mental attitude The positive power and gusto of an enthusiastic positive mental attitude view of the world is the little difference between failure and success. The right, positive mental attitude is one of the most important keys to accomplishments. Develop your positive attitude difference today and have a positive life attitude (PLA). Your attitude triggers your emotions, feelings, reactions, and the way you view the world. With the right attitude, everything seems to flow easier – smile!

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  • Positive Rule of Thumb

           Your expectations rule the outcomes in your life. If you have no expectations, then what you will get is what you expect – absolutely nothing! What did you expect? If you expect negative results, circumstances, and conditions, then that’s what you will get. If you expect positive aspects in your life, then that is exactly what you shall receive – positive outcomes. All expectations are exactly just like the Dr. ordered. Your expectations are your prescriptions to pre-conceived thoughts, good bad, or ugly. Whether you realize it or not your unconscious mind has expectations; it your job to tap into them with the use of right, positive thinking. The positive rule of thumb is to expect the best always. Expectations create your vision, remember celebrate the past, live fully in now, and consciously create your positive future. Find your vision, commit to your vision, have faith in your vision, and believe your vision with all your might. Expect the end results of your desired vision as a huge, amazing success story. Be clear and concise about your expectations. The positive rule of thumb is to enjoy your life, expecting to do so, on all accounts by your positive success.

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  • Positive Downloads

           What we focus on, we scan into our mental inboxes and download into our subconscious mind. It determines the directions, paths, and moves we make in our lives. It’s always a good idea to run a positive virus scan before you download any possible negative virus into your mental computer. A daily positive scan strengthens the conditions and outcomes in your world. In this new age of hustle, bustle, and hurry! hurry! hurry!; we can easily get a negative download through Mr. Negative’s spam mail and tricky downloads of negativity. Safeguard your positive mental computer with right, positive thinking programs that scan once a day to prevent negative intruders. Keep the negativity out and lock in the positive downloads. Saturate your mind with a positive download everyday and open the doors to your positive world.

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  • Wining Positive

           Being positive is winning; when you have peace of mind you have a winning attitude. A winning attitude is a positive mindset that you develop through habitual positive thinking habits. When you have the correct mindset through positive thinking, you are certain that you are a winner before the game even starts. You have already played the game in your mind over and over again and you visualized yourself in the winner’s circle. You know in your mind the result is a sure thing. You win the game in your mind before you actually physically play the game. Wining is a positive mindset and a mind game; whatever you believe is true with certainly and faith is already done to you. Think positive, win positive. It’s a state of your mind and your ability to believe with conviction. When you’re positive, you’re the positive winner.

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