• Positive Sparks

           Ignite the positive spark plug within you! Jump-start your life today with a heavy dose of positive. Boldly move forward today with desire, enthusiasm, and a positive mindset. Start your day with right with a dose of POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE (PMA), the key active ingredient that positively fuels the sparks to deliver you a simply wonderful, amazing, outstanding, happy, eventful, fulfilling, and rewarding positive day. Spark the positive in you today!

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  • Positive Attention

           How you think determines who you are, so be careful where you focus your attention. What occupies your mind and what you choose to dwell upon is very important. Your thought life will determine how much you earn, where you live, and what you become. By being aware of the this knowledge, it gives us the power to create ourselves a blissful life existence. What so ever enters our minds and occupies our dominant thought process will somewhere, sometime become a reality. You can literally change your life by beginning to think upon Positive, good thoughts and clearing out all the negative clutter. Whatever we pay the most attention to in our world expands and grows through the mental laws of attractions – likes attracting likes.
           You cannot afford the luxury of negative thoughts in your world; it disrupts your positive flow and creates a dark, sinister package full of fatal discontents, lack, chaos, confusion, ill health, failures, and poverty. Focus your attentions upon only positive, right thinking. Be careful what you focus your attentions on; for you will surly get them. Whatever a man sows, he therefore shall reap; and this refers to the action of our thoughts. Our attention to our thoughts gives them the energy to grow and expand. It is more or less the law of cause and effect, which is the universal, impersonal law. Spend your time thinking and paying positive attention to right, positive thoughts.

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  • Commitment, the Positive Key

           Commitment is the Positive key that will unlock all doors to the paths of success. Commitment is a positive dedication to achieve. Every great endeavor has its own price tag. And that price tag is personal, positive commitment to the desired deed to the level of your committed, positive faith and belief. Commitment is what I would call the great positive motivator that keeps you pushing and moving forward no matter what negative obstacles Mr. Negative and his corrupt, violent negative army throws at you to deter you to quit on your dreams on your positive desired goals. Mr. Negative’s strategy is to wear you down and keep pushing you down.
           The positive, committed person gets right back up and keeps pushing forward to success of the desired dream or goal until it is achieved. The key is not how many times you get knocked down, it is how you get up and respond to the negative setbacks. Positive commitment is a key winning trait that will not abandon the desired goal no matter what and no matter how hot the heat gets turned up or how close the fire gets on the journey. Positive commitment is the turnkey to positive persistence that always cashes in the winning ticket. Count on it. It takes it to the bank. Turn the key to positive commitment that equals positive victory

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  • Positive Substitutes

           Recognize your thoughts; go with the strong, positive thoughts and respond accordingly to all negatives thoughts. Have conscious awareness and use thought reversals to substitute the negative with a positive when needed. You are the coach of your team; don’t let negative thoughts enter the mind of your players. Substitute them with positive players and play the game of your life with a positive attitude to win. Negative attitudes is a sure way to lose, positive attitudes is a sure way to win. Learn to turn problems into positive opportunities. Tackle the opportunities with gratitude. Succeed on all your opportunities. Dream your great dreams and make them happen with positive faith and determination. See possibilities in all that you see. Life can be a positive journey when you see the positive side of things.
           Whenever negative thought traps storm into your world, relax and do not fret upon or worry. You have the positive antidote within. You have the power of positive, right thinking and negativity protection insurance. Simply raise your positive shield and deflect the negative thought images immediately; consciously chose the right, positive substitute thought. Choose to smile instead of a frown. Praise the negative thought instead of complaining about it. Take responsibility instead of blaming. Be happy instead of sad. Positive substitutes sometimes become your most valuable, positive players. The key is to know when to substitute. Living a positive life is priceless; take the steps to positive achievements. It’s your team.

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  • Positive Passionate Desires

           Passionate, burning desires mixed together with unwavering faith, belief, and enthusiasms produce invincible Positive Energy forces. With the right positive intent, your passionate desires that burn through you will produce miracles. A positive mind set with a heavy dose of Passionate Positive Desires will trigger the heat that launches a vigorous, positive energy that makes things move, shake and puts our desires into warp speed to our goals. Our Passionate desires produce success, victory, health, and happiness. When positive desires and passion control your thought moods, your creative flow releases attraction energy that expedites your wants and desires. The positive realization of your dreams will correspond to your requests and will produce more and more positive enthusiasms – they will create the positive desire domino effect.
           When you’re on a roll, you’re on a roll, they say go with it. That feeling comes from the Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) supercharged with passion, enthusiasm, and burning desires. When you’re on your positive roll, you’re positively climbing to the top. Don’t stop to think about it or worry about it, those are negative thoughts of doubt and lack of faith with uncertainty that comes from Mr. Negative and his negative army. They try to trick you as though you are not worthy of your positive easy success. Deflect Mr. Negative immediately by raising your positive shield. And know that you deserve your prosperity, claim your success boldly and attract more and more. Don’t look back, keep pushing forward with positive powers to your positive destinations. noNEG Nix says “get out your positive shades, your going to need them because your future is so bright!” Keep the fire burning inside; stay passionate, positive, and true to your desires. Positive Passionate Desires are ambitions like taking the elevator to the next level of success, it’s a quick and easy trip.

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